
About Pattuppāṭṭu - Mullaippāṭṭu

Mullaippāṭṭu contains 103 lines in akaval metre, and is the shortest poem among the Ten Idylls. The poet is Nappūtaṉār, son of Kāvirippūmpaṭṭiṉattup Poṉvāṇikaṉār. The Mullaippāṭṭu is an exquisite portrayal of the mullai theme of wifely patience when the hero is away on battlefield. True to its character, the poem ends on a happy note. After the heroine suffers the pain of separation, the hero returns to her, successful in war. Mullaippāṭṭu contains an absorbing picture of the sylvan tract during the rainy season.

Download Pattuppāṭṭu - Mullaippāṭṭu related E-books

S.No Details of the Book Year Category Download
1 Mullaippāṭṭu with Nacciṉārkkiṉiyar’s Commentary (Editor: U.V.Swaminatha Iyer) 1903 Commentary
2 A Critical Commentary on Mullaippāṭṭu (Publication: Rāmanilaya Vivēkāṉanta Acciyantira Cālai, Chennai) 1911 Commentary