About Patiṉeṇ kīḻkkaṇakku - Tiṇaimālainūṟṟaimpatu
Tiṇaimālai Nūṟṟaimpatu is a collection of 153 verses on the fivefold landscape/akam love behaviour. This work is composed in veṇpā metre. Of these 153 verses, kuṟiñci, neytal and mullai themes have 31 stanzas each, while pālai and marutam have 30 stanzas each. It was composed by Kaṇimētāviyār. He is also the author of Ēlāti. Among the 18 kīḻkkaṇakku works, Tiṇaimālai Nūṟṟaimpatu has a larger preponderance of akam poems.