Tirikaṭukam related E-books

About Patiṉeṇ kīḻkkaṇakku - Tirikaṭukam

The author of Tirikaṭukam is Nallātaṉār. It contains 100 stanzas excluding the invocatory verse. It is composed in veṇpā metre.

The poem takes its name from three medicinal substances – dried ginger, black pepper and long pepper – which are good for human health. Similarly, the three ideas are ethical principals in postulated in each verse are intended to help strengthen the moral fibre of a human being.

66 verses speak of such objectives of human pursuit affirmatively, while the remaining 34 put forth negative values of life (= things that are harmful to human life). Each verse has the refrain ‘these three’ in the third line referring to these objectives.

Download Tirikaṭukam related E-books

S.No Details of the Book Year Category Download
1 Tirikaṭukam with Tirukkōṭṭiyūr Irāmānucācāriyār’s Commentary (Editor: Sadasiva Pillai; Publication: Varttamāṉataraṅkiṇī Cākai Press, Cheṉṉapaṭṭaṇam) 1868 (vipava) Commentary
2 Tirikaṭukam with Tirukkōṭṭiyūr Irāmānucācāriyār’s Commentary (Editor: Viswanāta Piḷḷai; Publication: Vittiyānupālaṉayantiracālai, Cheṉṉapaṭṭaṇam) 1920 (irauttiri) உரை /Commentary
3 Tirikaṭukam (Text, Transliteration and Translations in English Verse and Prose) (Compiler and Editor: T.N. Ramachandran; Publication: Central Institute of Classical Tamil, Chennai) 2012 Translation